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Stand Up Mylar Bags

Preserve your food items quality and freshness in appealing and durable stand up mylar bags by Flick Pack. Our bags provide enough storage space to keep the food safe during delivery and storage.

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Explore More About Stand Up Mylar Bags

Are you perusing for the best packaging choices to pack your food things? Our stand up mylar bags are produced using superior-grade, sturdy Mylar and feature a zipper closure at the top for simple access. With their smooth design, these customized stand-up mylar bags are ideal for exhibiting tidbits, nuts, granola, tea, and the sky is the limit. They are designed to stand upstanding all alone, taking into consideration simple presentation and admittance to the item inside. Stand up mylar bags are vacuum-sealed bags utilized for storing delicate things.

The material is produced using Mylar, which is solid, can undoubtedly be expanded, and has an endless period of usability. This makes it ideal for guarding things like food or gadgets from getting wet or ruined over the long run. They're beneficial when the item needs to remain cold during transport, such as a new natural product or frozen yoghurt. The bag is sealed firmly and vacuum-sealed afterwards so dampness won't get into the food. Put in your order today. Here are some of the fantastic features which you can see in our stand up mylar bags wholesale:

  • Strong and flexible build for ensuring secure storage
  • Best packaging solution for food items
  • Multiple finishing and coating options
  • Get custom Mylar bags in endless finishing and coating options
  • Made of environment-friendly packaging material
  • Availability of modern printing options
  • Limitless sizes, shapes and designs


Availability of Bottom Gusseted Mylar Bags with Custom Design

Pick our gusseted mylar bags if you want a robust, solid stand-up bag to shield your things. They are made of solid, tear-safe stuff. In particular, stand up mylar bags contain snap lashes for added solidness when placed on a rack. These base-gusseted mylar bags venture into an oval-molded base when loaded with things. These bags might be utilized to bundle various things.

Modern Printing Techniques and Finishes for Stand Up Mylar Bags

Flick Pack employs state-of-the-art printing techniques and finishes to enhance the visual appeal of stand-up Mylar bags. Here are some of the unique finishing and printing options we offer for stand up mylar bags:

High-Resolution Printing

Printing ensures high-resolution graphics, allowing for intricate details and vibrant designs. In addition, this attention to detail is crucial in creating visually stunning packaging that captivates consumers.

Matte and Gloss Finishes

Flick Pack offers options for matte and gloss finishes, providing brands with additional customization choices. Moreover, brands can choose a matte finish for a sophisticated look or a gloss finish for a vibrant and reflective surface.

Spot UV Coating and Foil Stamping

Spot UV coating and foil stamping are available for brands seeking a premium touch. These finishes add texture, depth, and a touch of luxury to stand-up Mylar bags, elevating the overall aesthetic appeal.

We Ensure Consumer Trust and Brand Loyalty

The reliability and visual appeal of stand-up Mylar bags contributes to building consumer trust and brand loyalty. Here is how we ensure consumer trust with our printed stand up mylar bags:

Product Freshness Assurance

The exceptional barrier properties of Mylar ensure the freshness and quality of the enclosed products. This assurance is vital in building and maintaining positive consumer perceptions.

Brand Recognition

Customizable branding elements on stand-up Mylar bags contribute to brand recognition. Products become easily identifiable on shelves, enhancing the overall brand presence.

Consistent Quality

Stand-up Mylar bags' structural integrity and barrier properties ensure that products maintain quality throughout their shelf life. Consistency in quality fosters positive consumer experiences and reinforces brand reputation.

Minimize Oxygen Transmission Rate with Stand Up Mylar Bags

We expertly make Mylar foil stand-up bags with three layers of insurance to keep an insignificant oxygen transmission rate (OTR). Likewise, these exceptional stand-up bags have the least Dampness Fume Transmission Rate (MVTR) with incredible quality stuff. The performance hindrance against oxygen, dampness, fume, and light interruption is the most grounded and practical in our stand up Mylar bags.

An Engaging and Appealing Packaging Solution for Food Items

Flick Pack's stand-up Mylar bags exemplify a harmonious convergence of form and function in the world of packaging. From the structural innovation that allows the bags to stand upright to the exceptional barrier properties of Mylar, these bags offer a comprehensive solution for brands across diverse industries. In an era where packaging is not merely a practical necessity but also a powerful tool for brand differentiation, Flick Pack's stand-up Mylar bags provide a distinctive edge. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or for promotional purposes, these bags embody Flick Pack's commitment to pushing the boundaries of packaging innovation. Elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and stand out on the shelves with Flick Pack's stand-up Mylar bags – where form meets function in packaging excellence.

Why Choose Flick Pack

We offer a 100 percent money-back promise if there's an issue with our packaging, under any condition, to guarantee your prosperity. Flick Pack blog covers important subtleties on stand up mylars and replies to a few related FAQs to assist you with better grasping this item. If you have any inquiries, if it's not too much trouble, contact our specialists, who can help you pick the suitable stand-up Mylar food bags and Mylar bags to tackle storage issues. We offer discounts on bulk orders with free transportation to the USA and Canada.

2 year warranty

Guarantee with no doubt

Free shipping

On orders over $50.00

Box Style Punch Partition, Tuck Flap Box, Autolock Bottom, Pillow Box, Gable Box, Sleeve Box
Dimension (L + W + H) All Custom Sizes & Shapes Available
Quantities Minimum 50 - 500,000 Boxes
Paper Stock 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock
Printing Plain, CMYK Colors, PMS (Pantone Matching System), Spot Colors
Finishing Gloss Lamination, Matte Lamination, Gloss AQ, Gloss UV, Matte UV, Spot UV, Embossing, Debossing, Foiling, Raised Ink
Included Options Die Cutting, Gluing, Scored, Perforation
Additional Options Window Patching, Embossing, (Gold, Silver, Cooper, Red, Blue, Green Foil Stamping)
Proof Digital Proof Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On Request)
Turnaround 6-8 Business Days After Press-Ready File Confirmed By Client And Rush Order (Based On The Quantity)
Shipping Free Shipping (Ship Flat, Packed in Boxes, UPS, Fedex, DHL)
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    by John Doe on Nov 22, 2018

    Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue.

  • avatar
    by John Doe on Nov 22, 2018

    Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, avida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! All custom sizes in custom stand up mylar bags are available for efficient food storage.
