High Quality Custom Printed Boxes With Flexible Packaging Process And Logo

Apparel Pillow Boxes

Are you looking for engaging and durable packaging for your apparel? Don't worry. Flick Pack provides custom printed apparel pillow boxes to boost the appeal of your apparel on market shelves.

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Explore More About Apparel Pillow Boxes

Apparel pillow boxes are in the shape of a pillow and are used to creatively present a significant piece of apparel. They are great for giving a wonderful outfit to a friend or family member. Flick Pack has a broad range of custom printed apparel pillow boxes in different color schemes, finishes, and sizes. These boxes are lightweight, however strong, and made with the best quality material. They are exceptionally presentable with different finishes and color schemes. The client can get them customized by their brand's theme or the event presented at the most reasonable cost. The apparel pillow boxes bulk inspire how your brand image should show up and give an attractive presentation. When the box's bending edges are folded down, their interesting shape and design take on a pocket-like appearance. To make apparel pillow packaging boxes, various thicknesses of paperboard are folded flat and glued together.

The two sides of these boxes incorporate folds that fold inward to lift the box into a pillow-formed design. These astounding boxes in huge sizes can store your apparel, protect the fabric from the soil, and present your luxury apparel brand unexpectedly. These peculiar-looking boxes look like pillows and fill two principal needs; for example, they offer a classy pizazz and incredible ease of use. A particular industry or item isn't using custom apparel pillow box packaging; they can be customized to give an entirely different look to a wide range of items without making them dull. However, everything comes from the right packaging specialist co-op. Here are some of the unique features which you can see in our luxury apparel pillow boxes:

  • Use premium materials like sturdy cardstock or Kraft paper to ensure durability and protection for the apparel.
  • They are designed for easy assembly and usage, making them convenient for retailers and customers.
  • Available in a range of sizes to accommodate various garments
  • A unique pillow-like shape that stands out and immediately captures attention, setting the packaging apart from traditional box shapes.
  • Potential use of eco-friendly materials
  • Space for effective branding, enabling prominent display of logos, taglines, and brand colors to reinforce brand identity and recognition.


Artistic-looking Custom Apparel Pillow Packaging Boxes

Flick Pack doesn't think twice about its client's standing. Subsequently, we try to pass every one of our custom printed apparel pillow boxes through a thorough strength check. We don't believe our clients should get their luxury garments in damaged boxes. Flick Pack allows its clients to browse various apparel pillow boxes wholesale. However, the client's inclinations are of prime significance to us. Our experts can customize the bundle you select inbox proportion, color scheme design, graphics, and text style. Our custom printed apparel pillow boxes are, on the whole, correct to the point that you can't avoid getting them. They will enhance your item and increment your item's sales. Our apparel pillow boxes bulk will strengthen your standing in the competitive clothing industry.

Unveiling the Appeal of Custom Apparel Pillow Box

Custom apparel pillow boxes, as the name suggests, resemble a pillow in shape. With its curved edges and wide space inside, this distinctive design offers an elegant and luxurious way to package apparel. Unlike traditional square or rectangular boxes, pillow boxes immediately capture attention. In addition, one of the key features of custom apparel pillow boxes is the artistic freedom they offer. Brands can tailor the design, size, and color to match their brand identity and the essence of the clothing inside. Whether a minimalist approach or a vibrant and intricate design, the pillow box can be personalized accordingly.

High-Quality Materials and Easy to Assemble Design

These boxes are typically crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and protection for the apparel. Common eco-friendly materials include sturdy cardstock, Kraft paper, or biodegradable options, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable packaging. Apparel pillow packaging boxes are designed for convenience. Moreover, they are easy to assemble and use, making them ideal for both the retailer and the end consumer. The unique opening style adds an element of surprise and delight during unboxing.

Create Lasting Impressions with Printed Apparel Pillow Box Packaging

At the point when there is an excess of clog on the retail retires, your custom apparel gift boxes ought to be engaging to such an extent that they leap off the racks and address the crowd. Everything, including the material, styles, sizes, and printing, is adaptable with us. To hang out in the apparel industry, you should focus on your organization's uniqueness and utilize unmistakable plans, text styles, and a variety of ranges for your custom apparel boxes. Moreover, we offer die-cut windows in any shape or size for your apparel box packaging, permitting the client to see the fabric quality and color scheme.

Explore Vibrant Color Schemes for Apparel Pillow Boxes

Custom printed apparel pillow boxes are essential promoting tools to support your brand's growth. Our most recent printing innovation ensures an exclusive standard for all the works of art and graphics to be engraved on the custom packaging boxes for garments. Moreover, our creative designers dependably help you get novel patterns for your apparel pillow box with logos. You can likewise share your designs with us to print the package per your ideas. Besides, you can add apparel sleeves to make luxury apparel packaging.

Why Choose Flick Pack

You can contact our specialists at Flick Pack to get a speedy quote on the full range of pillow box packaging. Our creative manufacturers and designers are constantly eager to make something unique for separately extraordinary clients, and the best thing about them is that they can go past repetitive standardized rectangular boxes to carry your brand image to a lively life. All you must do is string as you would prefer toward our entryway, and we will serve you with not the best but the ideal services! Our client assistance specialists can walk you through the whole interaction. Increase your investment return by getting our specialists designed apparel pillow packaging boxes. Please email us your business needs or call us. You will get an instant response as we work 24/7.

2 year warranty

Guarantee with no doubt

Free shipping

On orders over $50.00

Box Style Punch Partition, Tuck Flap Box, Autolock Bottom, Pillow Box, Gable Box, Sleeve Box
Dimension (L + W + H) All Custom Sizes & Shapes Available
Quantities Minimum 50 - 500,000 Boxes
Paper Stock 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock
Printing Plain, CMYK Colors, PMS (Pantone Matching System), Spot Colors
Finishing Gloss Lamination, Matte Lamination, Gloss AQ, Gloss UV, Matte UV, Spot UV, Embossing, Debossing, Foiling, Raised Ink
Included Options Die Cutting, Gluing, Scored, Perforation
Additional Options Window Patching, Embossing, (Gold, Silver, Cooper, Red, Blue, Green Foil Stamping)
Proof Digital Proof Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On Request)
Turnaround 6-8 Business Days After Press-Ready File Confirmed By Client And Rush Order (Based On The Quantity)
Shipping Free Shipping (Ship Flat, Packed in Boxes, UPS, Fedex, DHL)
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    by John Doe on Nov 22, 2018

    Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue.

  • avatar
    by John Doe on Nov 22, 2018

    Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, avida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We use digital printing, CMYK, PMS, and spot colors for the premium printing of custom printed apparel pillow packaging boxes.
